Tip 212 – You [Still] Need Ziplock Bags
If you think about it for a few minutes, you can come up with at least a hundred uses for ziplock bags. School supplies, snacks, craft items, kleenex, sunscreen… ziplock bags are the mom’s ducktape. Think of ziplock bags like this – bags isolate dirty things from clean things and clean things from dirty things. It is usually best to get these from the dollar store, but you can also buy a bunch of bags with the following link.
Tip 213 – Wipe Warmers are [Still] Great
Wipe warmers are great. Your baby is potty trained, so you may have to finally admit that warm wipes are actually for mom. It’s nice to have a wipe warmer with a light.
Tip 217 – Stop Brain Rot
Here you are, the wonderful mother of a bassinette (or floor) full of wiggling (or crawling or toddling), beautiful, lovable, poop machines. Whether you have one bundle of joy or several bundles in different stages of growth and adorableness, you give it your all. However, your vocabulary has been reduced to that of a three-year-old and your entire day’s social interaction has been reduced to patty-cake, peek-a-boo, and rousing bouts of the wheels on the bus. Your brain has begun to rot as you pass your knowledge on to the next generation. Stop brain rot by pouring intelligence directly into your brain using this link: Try Audible and Get Two Free Audiobooks