Tip 111 – Help Your Family Help You Get Ready

Baby is on the way.  There are many things you will need.  Let your family and friends help you get ready.  Create an Amazon Baby Registry

Tip 112 – Read the Book

Know what to expect.  Learn about nipple pain, stretch marks, kicks, vomit, and the other joys of pregnancy by reading the bible of the big belly.

Tip 117 – This Makes Sense

Tip 215 – This Lady Knows What She’s Talking About

I don’t know this lady.  I just happened to run across her video, but it is spot on.


Tip 214 – What’s Up With Her Hair and Makeup?

This lady’s hair and makeup is way too perfect, so it is hard to believe that she is really a mommy with young kids.  I’ll give her a break by assuming that she has two nannies, a housekeeper, a personal shopper, and a very supportive spouse.  Despite her oddly perfect looks, all of her advice is great except for one thing – wipe warmers are GREAT!


Tip 213 – Wipe Warmers are Great

Wipe warmers are great.  So, maybe you will never use the warm baby wipe on your baby, but trust me, you NEED warm baby wipes.  How can I explain this?  Warm wipes can be used on persons other than the baby.  What does episiotomy mean?  It seems to have something to do with the fact that EVERY mom needs warm “baby” wipes, even if never used on a baby.  It’s nice to have a wipe warmer with a light.